Update Project Charter

At the end of each semester, it is important we update the project charter so that we have up to date records of what the project is focused on and where the progress that has been made. In the future, we can go back and reference the charter to have a clear understanding of how to progress.


When: Due Friday, December 6 at 11:59pm EST.

Where: TA’s are responsible to upload Project Charter with revisions to Gradescope PDF is the preferred format, but .docx and .pptx are also acceptable.

What: Using the project charter given to you at the beginning of the semester, please edit it so that it reflects the actuality of how your project played out this semester. KEEP all the original descriptions, but each section must be reviewed, and all edits that were made to the original charter in fall should be done in RED. All edits that you predict will be made in spring, should be done in GREEN. Ensure you update the Fall objectives and purpose, Spring objectives and purpose, as well as the timeline. If a section does not need to be edited, please indicate that the charter is accurate.

Look here for an example. (LINK EXAMPLE)

Facilitating in Lab

To include your students in this process, you have 2 options for how you would like to facilitate it. Regardless of which you choose, the TA is responsible for finalizing the document and submitting it on Gradescope.

Option 1: Have a high level, open ended discussion in lab about what changes were made. You can ask questions such as

  1. How did the scope change/shift from the original?

  2. What was our original plan for each sprint? What did we actually do?

  3. What work do we expect to accomplish in spring?

Option 2: Divide project charter into sections and delegate them amongst the students. Allow everyone to make the edits on one final document that you will look over before submitting.