
You are only marking students as present or missing from lab. Staff will determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. Students must email staff for excused absences so they can be tracked.

TAs are required to take attendance at the start of every team meeting and lab. This course follows Purdue’s academic regulations regarding attendance, which states that students are expected to be present for every meeting of the classes in which they are enrolled. Please see the syllabus for a list of excused absences in the Attendance Policy section.

  1. Use the MS Teams Member list as your course roster. This will automatically update every 24-36 hours when students register or drop the section.

  2. Create a spreadsheet or list and track student attendance each meeting and lab.

  3. Report student attendance and participation when you grade their Sprint Reports.


2 - Student was present and fully participated in the meeting

1 - Student was present but was not engaged during the meeting

Excused - Student was absent but had permission to miss the meeting

0 - Student was absent and did not receive permission to miss the meeting


When should TAs take attendance?

TAs should take attendance at every team meeting and lab during the semester.

Should TAs account for tardiness to meetings?

Team members are expected to be on time to team meetings and labs. However, if a team member is tardy to a team meeting with a valid reason, then it is okay to provide leeway. If tardiness does persist without reason, then talking with the team member to realign expectations may be necessary.

When should a student notify their TA if they are going to be absent from a meeting?

Students should communicate with their TA 24 hours in advance of the team meeting to get approval to miss the meeting. If the situation is an emergency, any communication prior to the meeting is okay.

What are acceptable reasons for absence from team meetings?

Team members can request to be excused from team meetings on a case-by-case basis. University-sponsored activities, religious observations, sickness, and emergencies are excusable.

I am an NDMN TA, how do I handle attendance for my National Data Mine Network students?

Please refer to the NDMN Student Attendance Policy on how to manage attendance for your NDMN students.

Should there be any concerns, please email: